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英 文 撰 稿 格 式 Style Guide for English Submissions

Format & Style Matters


Manuscripts are double-spaced, with one-inch margins on letter size paper, using Times New Roman (12-point for the main text and 10-point for footnotes)


English spelling in either U.S. or British style is acceptable for a manuscript, provided that it is consistent throughout. The rendering of non-Roman scripts shall be in accepted forms. Use the Pinyin system for names and terms in Chinese, followed by Chinese characters and English translations, e.g., Tianxia (All-under-Heaven), taiji 太極 (Supreme Ultimate).


Quotations must be rendered exactly. Those in the text take double inverted commas, “……”; Those within quotations take single inverted, ‘……’.

On the first appearance of a historical figure in the text or footnotes, the years of birth and death should be provided, along with the Chinese name if there is one: Zhu Di 朱棣 (1360–1424), Mao Dun 茅盾 (1896–1981), Matteo Ricci (Chinese name 利瑪竇, 1552–1610), etc. Chinese dynastic chronology should be given a corresponding year in the Common Era, e.g., the sixteenth year of Emperor Guangxu 光緒’s reign (1890).


Compass directions do not take a capital unless forming part of a territorial name — thus, ‘south Guangdong’ but ‘South Korea’.

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Each figure or table should be referred to either parenthetically (abbreviated as fig.) or at a relevant place in the text (e.g., “As figure 1 shows…”).


(a) Table titles capitalize all words (except conjunctions, prepositions, and articles), without terminal punctuation.


Table 3. Chronological List of Early Chinese Translations of Aesop’s Fables, 1600 to 1900     


(b) For copyrighted images, the author should get the permission or agreement for publication use, and provide a high-resolution copy (300 dpi or above) of each image. The source information and credit should be provided in figure captions, without terminal punctuation.


Figure 3. Madonna and Child, watercolor painting on silk scroll, Xi’an, China, possibly eighteenth century, © The Field Museum, Image No. A114604_02d, Cat. No. 116027, Photographer John Weinstein


Figure 5. Winston Roberts, When Last I Saw (1893), Oil on canvas, 56 × 48 in. Courtesy of the Campbell Collection, Central State Community College Library, Pleasance, Nebraska


Figure 8. Mary and Maid of Xihe (Xihe shaonü 西河少女), in Lidai shenxian tongjian 歷代神仙通鑑 (Comprehensive Accounts on the Immortals through the Dynasties, 1700), Xu Dao 徐道 and Cheng Yuqi 程毓奇, courtesy of the University of Hong Kong Library (239 28, Vol. 1, folio 52a)



Citation of References


It is important that an article follows the required style exactly. The following examples are provided for quick reference. In case of uncertainties, the author can consult the editors for clarification, or refer to The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (Select the “Notes and Bibliography” system at

1. Book or edited volume

For footnotes:


(a) On first presentation: Author full name(s), (ed.,) book title (place: publisher, year of publication), page number(s).


1. Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 12.


2. Stuart B. Schwartz, ed., Implicit Understanding: Observing, Reporting, and Reflecting on the Encounters between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 10


3. John D. Young, East-West Synthesis: Matteo Ricci and Confucianism (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1980), 44–7.

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), (short) book title, page number(s).


1. Grazer and Fishman, Curious Mind, 37.


2. Schwartz, Implicit Understanding, 13–19.


3. Young, East-West Synthesis, 28.


For bibliography entries:


1. Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.


2. Schwartz, Stuart B., ed. Implicit Understanding: Observing, Reporting, and Reflecting on the Encounters between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.


3. Young, John D. East-West Synthesis: Matteo Ricci and Confucianism. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1980.

2. Journal article

In the footnotes, cite specific page numbers. For a journal article with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), provide the permanent URL that begins

For footnotes:


(a) On first presentation: Author full name(s), “article title,” name of journal volume issue number (publication date/month year): page number(s).


1. Horace I. Feldman, “The Meiji Political Novel: A Brief Survey,” Far Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 3 (May 1950): 248–50.


2. Shao-Hsun Keng, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem, “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality,” Journal of Human Capital, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Spring 2017): 5–12,


3. Susan Satterfield, “Livy and the Pax Deum,” Classical Philology, Vol. 111, No. 2 (April 2016): 170.

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), “(short) article title,” page number(s).


1. Feldman, “Meiji Political Novel,” 246.


2. Keng, Lin, and Orazem, “Expanding College Access,” 23.


3. Satterfield, “Livy,” 172–73.


For bibliography entries:

1. Feldman, Horace I. “The Meiji Political Novel: A Brief Survey.” Far Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 3 (May 1950): 245–55.


2. Satterfield, Susan. “Livy and the Pax Deum.” Classical Philology, Vol. 111, No. 2 (April 2016): 165–76.


3. Keng, Shao-Hsun, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem. “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality.” Journal of Human Capital, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Spring 2017): 1–34.

3. Chapter in an edited work

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation: Author full name(s), “chapter title,” in book title, ed. editor’s name (place: publisher, year of publication), page number(s)


Ann Waltner, “Demerits and Deadly Sins: Jesuit Moral Tracts in Late Ming China,” in Implicit Understanding: Observing, Reporting, and Reflecting on the Encounters between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era, ed. Stuart B. Schwartz (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 438.

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), “article title,” page number(s).


Waltner, “Demerits and Deadly Sins,” 425–27.


For bibliography entries:

Waltner, Ann. “Demerits and Deadly Sins: Jesuit Moral Tracts in Late Ming China.” In Implicit Understanding: Observing, Reporting, and Reflecting on the Encounters between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era, edited by Stuart B. Schwartz, 422–48. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

4. Translated book

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation: Author full name(s), book title, trans. translator’s name (place: publisher, year of publication), page number(s)


1. Qian Sima 司馬遷, Shiji 史記 [Records of the Grand Historian] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1919), Vol. 9, juan 110, 2908. trans. Burton Watson, Records of the Grand Historian: Han Dynasty (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), Vol 2, 152.


2. Tzvetan Todorov, Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical Principle. trans. Wlad Godzich (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), 25–27.

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), “article title,” page number(s).


1. Sima, Shiji, Vol. 9, juan 110, 2902–04.


2. Todorov, “Mikhail Bakhtin,” 52.


For bibliography entries:

1. Sima, Qian司馬遷, Shiji 史記 [Records of the Grand Historian] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1919). translated by Burton Watson, Records of the Grand Historian: Han Dynasty. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.


2. Todorov, Tzvetan. Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical Principle. translated by Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.

5. Thesis or dissertation


For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation: 


Lin Li-chiang, “The Proliferation of Images: The Ink-stick Designs and the Printing of the Fang-shih Mo-p’u and the Ch’eng-shih Mo-yuan” (PhD Diss., Princeton University, 1998), 32–45.

(b) On subsequent presentations: 


Lin, “The Proliferation of Images,” 158.


For bibliography entries:

Lin Li-chiang. “The Proliferation of Images: The Ink-stick Designs and the Printing of the Fang-shih Mo-p’u and the Ch’eng-shih Mo-yuan.” PhD Diss., Princeton University, 1998.

6. Website content


Due to the great variety of formats for online materials, the following examples are styled only for reference purposes.


(a) On first presentation:


1. Yale University, “About Yale: Yale Facts,”, accessed May 1, 2017.


2. Katie Bouman, “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole,” filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA, video, 12:51,


(b) On subsequent presentations:


1. “About Yale: Yale Facts.”


2. Bouman, “Black Hole.”

Reference format for Chinese/non-English sources


For references in Chinese or other non-English languages, the style still follows The Chicago Manual of Style in general. Romanization is used and English translation of title(s) should be provided. Chinese references in simplified characters should be changed to traditional characters. For further inquiries, the author can consult the editors for clarification.

1. Primary source

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation:


1. Cai Ruxian 蔡汝賢 (1533‒1594), Dongyi tuxiang 東夷圖像 [Illustrations of the Eastern Barbarians, 1586], 8a-9b, in Siku quanshu cunmu congshu 四庫全書存目叢書 史部‧地理類 [Collectanea of Works Mentioned in the Cunmu Catalog of the Siku quanshu, History section, Geography category] (Tainan: Zhuangyan wenhua shiye youxian gongsi, 1996), Vol. 255, 419‒420.


2. Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部 (b. 978?), Genji monogatari 源氏物語 [The Tale of Genji], in Nihon no koten bungaku 日本の古典文學 [Classical Japanese Literature] (Tokyo: Kaisisha, 1973), 113.

3. Ngô Sĩ Liên 吳士連 (fl. 1442‒1479), Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư 大越史記全書 [Complete Book of Records of the Vietnamese Grand Historian] (Tokyo: Hikida Toshiaki, 1884), 1.4b.


4. Sejong sillok 世宗實錄 [Veritable Records of King Sejong], in T’aepaeksan sakopon 太白山四庫本 [T’aepaek Mountain Four Treasuries Edition] (Seoul, Kuksa pyŏnch’an wiwŏnhoe, 1956), Vol. 9, 26.15b.


(b) On subsequent presentations:


1. Cai, Dongyi tuxiang, 423.


2. Murasaki, Genji monogatari, 109.

3. Ngô, Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư, 2.8a.


4. Sejong sillok, 25.19b.

For bibliography entries:

1. Cai, Ruxian 蔡汝賢 (1533‒1594). Dongyi tuxiang 東夷圖像 [Illustrations of the Eastern Barbarians, 1586]. In Siku quanshu cunmu congshu 四庫全書存目叢書 史部‧地理類 [Collectanea of Works Mentioned in the Cunmu Catalog of the Siku quanshu, History section, Geography category]. Tainan: Zhuangyan wenhua shiye youxian gongsi, 1996, Vol. 255.


2. Murasaki, Shikibu紫式部 (b. 978?). Genji monogatari 源氏物語 [The Tale of Genji]. In Nihon no koten bungaku 日本の古典文學 [Classical Japanese Literature]. Tokyo: Kaisisha, 1973.

3. Ngô, Sĩ Liên 吳士連 (fl. 1442‒1479). Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư 大越史記全書 [Complete Book of Records of the Vietnamese Grand Historian]. Tokyo: Hikida Toshiaki, 1884.


4. Sejong sillok 世宗實錄 [Veritable Records of King Sejong]. In T’aepaeksan sakopon 太白山四庫本 [T’aepaek Mountain Four Treasuries Edition]. Seoul, Kuksa pyŏnch’an wiwŏnhoe, 1956, Vol. 9.

2. Book

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation:


1. Xiliang Guo 郭錫良 (1930‒2022), Hanzi guyin shouce 漢字古音手冊 [Handbook of the Ancient Pronunciations of Chinese Characters] (Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 1986), 32‒59.


2. Chunwen Hao 郝春文, Tang houqi Wudai Songchu Dunhuang sengni de shehui shenghuo 唐後期五代宋初敦煌僧尼的社會生活 [The Social Existence of Monks and Nuns in Dunhuang During the Late Tang, Five Dynasties and Early Song] (Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 1998), 123.

3. Umehara Sueji 梅原末治 (1893‒1983), Shōkō kokyō shūei 紹興古鏡聚英 [A Collection of Ancient Mirrors from Shaoxing] (Kyoto: Kuwana bunsenido, 1939), 8.


4. Nguyễn Thị Hường, Nghiên cứu sách dạy lịch sử Việt Nam viết bằng chữ Hán và chữ Nôm [A Study of Vietnamese Historical Textbooks Written in Sino-Nom Scripts] (Hanoi: Thế giới, 2013), 56.

5. Cho Sŏnmi 조선미, Wang ŭi ŏlkul: Han, Chung, Il kunchu ch’osanghwa rŭl mal hata 왕 의 얼굴: 한 중 일 군주 초상화 를 말 하다 [The Face of the King: Discussing the Portraits of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Monarchs] (Seoul: Sahoe p’yŏngnon, 2012), 67.


(b) On subsequent presentations:


1. Guo, Hanzi guyin shouce, 28.


2. Hao, Tang houqi Wudai Songchu Dunhuang sengni de shehui shenghuo, 79.

3. Umehara, Shōkō kokyō shūei, 91.


4. Nguyễn, Nghiên cứu sách dạy lịch sử Việt Nam viết bằng chữ Hán và chữ Nôm, 98.

5. Cho, Wang ŭi ŏlkul, 322.

For bibliography entries:

1. Guo, Xiliang 郭錫良 (1930‒2022). Hanzi guyin shouce 漢字古音手冊 [Handbook of the Ancient Pronunciations of Chinese Characters]. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 1986.


2. Hao, Chunwen 郝春文.Tang houqi Wudai Songchu Dunhuang sengni de shehui shenghuo 唐後期五代宋初敦煌僧尼的社會生活 [The Social Existence of Monks and Nuns in Dunhuang During the Late Tang, Five Dynasties and Early Song]. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 1998.

3. Umehara, Sueji 梅原末治 (1893‒1983). Shōkō kokyō shūei 紹興古鏡聚英 [A Collection of Ancient Mirrors from Shaoxing]. Kyoto: Kuwana bunsenido, 1939.


4. Nguyễn, Thị Hường. Nghiên cứu sách dạy lịch sử Việt Nam viết bằng chữ Hán và chữ Nôm [A Study of Vietnamese Historical Textbooks Written in Sino-Nom Scripts]. Hanoi: Thế giới, 2013.

5. Cho, Sŏnmi 조선미. Wang ŭi ŏlkul: Han, Chung, Il kunchu ch’osanghwa rŭl mal hata 왕 의 얼굴: 한 중 일 군주 초상화 를 말 하다 [The Face of the King: Discussing the Portraits of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Monarchs]. Seoul: Sahoe p’yŏngnon, 2012.

3. Journal article

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation:


1. Linfu Hua 華林甫, “Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu 清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步研究 [A Preliminary Study of Floods and Droughts in the Three Gorges Region since the Qing Dynasty],” Zhongguo shehui kexue 中國社會科學 1 (1999): 171.


2. Shigekazu Kondō 近藤成一, “Yēru Daigaku Shozō Harima no Kuni Ōbe no Shō Kankei Monjo ni Tsuite イェール大学所蔵播磨国大部庄関係文書について [On Harima no Kuni Ōbe no Shō Kankei Monjo at Yale University Collection],” Tokyō Daigaku Shiryō Hensanjo Kenkyū Kiyō 東京大学史料編纂所研究紀要 23 (2013): 5–6.

3. Trương Đắc Chiến, “Phát hiện sưu tập khuôn đúc Luy Lâu (Bắc Ninh) - Thành tựu mói trong nghiên cứu kĩ thuật đúc trống Đông Son ở Việt Nam [Discovery of a Collection of Luy Lau (Bac Ninh) Casting Molds – New Achievements in the Research on Drum Casting Techniques in Dong Son, Vietnam],” Tạp chí Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn 8.1 (2022): 15.


4. Yoo Hee Jun 유희준 and Min Dong Kuan 민동관, “Munhak munhwa: Maebijŏn ŭi kungnaeyuipkwa pŏnyŏgyangsang 문학 문화: 매비전 (梅妃傳) 의 국내유입과 번역양상 [Literary Culture: The Transmission into Korea and Translation Patterns of Meifei zhuan],” Pigyomunhakyŏn’gu 비교문학연구 27 (2012): 255–66.


(b) On subsequent presentations:


1. Hua, “Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu,” 168–170.


2. Kondō, “Yēru Daigaku Shozō Harima no Kuni Ōbe no Shō Kankei Monjo ni Tsuite,” 12.

3. Trương, “Phát hiện sưu tập khuôn đúc Luy Lâu (Bắc Ninh),” 24.


4. Yoo and Min, “Munhak munhwa,” 289.

For bibliography entries:

1. Hua, Linfu 華林甫. “Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu 清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步研究 [A Preliminary Study of Floods and Droughts in the Three Gorges Region since the Qing Dynasty].” Zhongguo shehui kexue 中國社會科學 1 (1999): 168–79.


2. Kondō, Shigekazu 近藤成一. “Yēru Daigaku Shozō Harima no Kuni Ōbe no Shō Kankei Monjo ni Tsuite イェール大学所蔵播磨国大部庄関係文書について [On Harima no Kuni Ōbe no Shō Kankei Monjo at Yale University Collection].” Tokyō Daigaku Shiryō Hensanjo Kenkyū Kiyō 東京大学史料編纂所研究紀要 23 (2013): 1–22.

3. Trương, Đắc Chiến. “Phát hiện sưu tập khuôn đúc Luy Lâu (Bắc Ninh) - Thành tựu mói trong nghiên cứu kĩ thuật đúc trống Đông Son ở Việt Nam [Discovery of a Collection of Luy Lau (Bac Ninh) Casting Molds – New Achievements in the Research on Drum Casting Techniques in Dong Son, Vietnam].” Tạp chí Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn 8.1 (2022): 13–28.


4. Yoo, Hee Jun 유희준 and Min Dong Kuan 민동관. “Munhak munhwa: Maebijŏn ŭi kungnaeyuipkwa pŏnyŏgyangsang” 문학 문화: 매비전 (梅妃) 의 국내유입과 번역양상 [Literary Culture: The Transmission into Korea and Translation Patterns of Meifei zhuan]. Pigyomunhakyŏn’gu 비교문학연구 27 (2012): 255–89.

4. Book chapter

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation: 


1. Du Weisheng 杜偉生, “Dunhuang yishu yongzhi gaikuang ji qianxi 敦煌遺書用紙概況及淺析 [An Analysis and Description of the Use of Paper in Dunhuang Manuscripts],” in Rongshe yu chuangxin: guoji Dunhuang xiangmu diliuci huiyi lunwenji 融攝與創新: 國際敦煌項目第六次會議論文集 [Tradition and Innovation: Proceedings of the 6th International Dunhuang Project Conservation Conference], ed. Lin Shitian 林世田 and Alastair Morrison (Beijing: Beijing tushuguan chubanshe, 2007), 80.


2. Taketoshi Satō 佐藤武敏, “Sengoku jidai So no shikki 戰國時代楚の漆器 [Warring States Period Lacquers from Chu],” in Sengoku jidai shutsudo bunbutsu no kenkyū 戰國時代出土文物の研究 [Studies on Excavated Relics from the Warring States Period], ed. Hayashi Minao 林巳奈夫 (Kyoto: Dōhōsha, 1988), 45.

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), “article title,” page number(s).


1. Du, “Dunhuang yishu yongzhi gaikuang ji qianxi,” 67–69.


2. Satō, “Sengoku jidai So no shikki,” 31.


For bibliography entries:

1. Du, Weisheng 杜偉生. “Dunhuang yishu yongzhi gaikuang ji qianxi 敦煌遺書用紙概況及淺析 [An Analysis and Description of the Use of Paper in Dunhuang Manuscripts].” In Rongshe yu chuangxin: guoji Dunhuang xiangmu diliuci huiyi lunwenji 融攝與創新: 國際敦煌項目第六次會議論文集 [Tradition and Innovation: Proceedings of the 6th International Dunhuang Project Conservation Conference], edited by Lin Shitian 林世田 and Alastair Morrison, 67–84. Beijing: Beijing tushuguan chubanshe, 2007.


2. Satō Taketoshi 佐藤武敏. “Sengoku jidai So no shikki 戰國時代楚の漆器 [Warring States Period Lacquers from Chu].” In Sengoku jidai shutsudo bunbutsu no kenkyū 戰國時代出土文物の研究 [Studies on Excavated Relics from the Warring States Period], edited by Hayashi Minao 林巳奈夫, 1–55. Kyoto: Dōhōsha, 1988.

5. Thesis or dissertation

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation


1. Xiao Qinghe 肖清和, “Tianhui yu wudang: Mingmo Qingchu Tianzhu jiaotu qunti zhi xingcheng yu jiaowang yanjiu ‘天會’與‘吾黨’:明末清初天主教徒群體之形成與交往研究 (1580–1722) [“Tianhui” and “Wudang”: A Study on the Formation and Interactions of Catholic Convert Groups in Late Ming and Early Qing]” (PhD Diss., Beijing University, 2009), 66–78.


2. Cho Songchin 조성진, “Manhoeng ch’ŏngryu wa Myŏngdae nagpu myŏnga pikyu: P’ung Mongrong ŭi Kwaekiye, Sanga waŭi pikyurŭl chongshimŭro 蔓橫清類 明代 樂府民歌 비교 연구: 馮夢龍 《掛枝兒》《山歌》 와의 비교를 중심으로 [A Comparison of Manhoeng ch’ŏngryu and Ming Dynasty Music Bureau and Folk Songs: With Feng Menglong’s Guazhi’er and Shan’ge as the Focus of Comparison]” (PhD Diss., Seoul National University, 2011), 54–98.

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), “article title,” page number(s).


1. Xiao, “Tianhui yu wudang,” 33.


2. Cho, “Manhoeng ch’ŏngryu wa Myŏngdae nagpu myŏnga pikyu,” 106.


For bibliography entries:

1. Xiao, Qinghe 肖清和. “Tianhui yu wudang: Mingmo Qingchu Tianzhu jiaotu qunti zhi xingcheng yu jiaowang yanjiu ‘天會’與‘吾黨’:明末清初天主教徒群體之形成與交往研究 (1580–1722) [“Tianhui” and “Wudang”: A Study on the Formation and Interactions of Catholic Convert Groups in Late Ming and Early Qing].” PhD Diss., Beijing University, 2009.


2. Cho, Songchin 조성진. “Manhoeng ch’ŏngryu wa Myŏngdae nagpu myŏnga pikyu: P’ung Mongrong ŭi Kwaekiye, Sanga waŭi pikyurŭl chongshimŭro 蔓橫清類 明代 樂府民歌 비교 연구: 馮夢龍 《掛枝兒》《山歌》 와의 비교를 중심으로 [A Comparison of Manhoeng ch’ŏngryu and Ming Dynasty Music Bureau and Folk Songs: With Feng Menglong’s Guazhi’er and Shan’ge as the Focus of Comparison].” PhD Diss., Seoul National University, 2011.

6. Website content

For footnotes:

(a) On first presentation: 


1. Zhu Yong 祝勇, “Yi wei Mingdai Zhenghe mu diaoxiang xianshen 疑為明代鄭和木雕像現身 [The Presence of a Possible Ming Wooden Statue of Zheng He],” Fuzhou xinwen wang 福州新聞網 [Web News of Fuzhou], March 25, 2009, (accessed August 10, 2023)


2. Băng Nữ Tuyết, “Đưa Truyện Kiều lên phim [Putting The Tale of Kiều on Film],” Thanh Niên [Youth], July 30, 2011, (accessed December 5, 2023)

(b) On subsequent presentations: Author family name(s), “article title,” page number(s).


1. Zhu, “Yi wei Mingdai Zhenghe mu diaoxiang xianshen,” (accessed August 19, 2023)


2. Băng, “Đưa Truyện Kiều lên phim,” (accessed December 5, 2023)


For bibliography entries:

1. Zhu, Yong 祝勇. “Yi wei Mingdai Zhenghe mu diaoxiang xianshen 疑為明代鄭和木雕像現身 [The Presence of a Possible Ming Wooden Statue of Zheng He].” Fuzhou xinwen wang 福州新聞網 [Web News of Fuzhou], March 25, 2009. (accessed August 10, 2023)


2. Băng, Nữ Tuyết. “Đưa Truyện Kiều lên phim [Putting The Tale of Kiều on Film].” Thanh Niên [Youth], July 30, 2011. (accessed December 5, 2023)

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