A Dialogue on Cantonese Opera and Music of Hong Kong in the Early 20th Century
分享嘉賓 Speaker:
容世誠 教授 Prof. YUNG Sai-shing (NUS)
余少華 教授 Prof. YU Siu Wah (LingU)
主持兼與談人 Moderator & Discussant:
朱耀偉 教授 Prof. CHU Yiu Wai Stephen (HKU)
日期 Date: 10 March 2023 (Fri)
時間 Time: 17:00 – 18:30 (HKT)
語言 Language: Cantonese supplemented by Putonghua/English
講座摘要 Abstract of Webinar:
This webinar begins with two case studies related to Cantonese opera and music in modern history of Hong Kong, exploring the rise of a Cantonese opera market in Hong Kong and the definition/orientation of “national music” and “Cantonese music” in the first half of the 20th century. The recent development of Hong Kong Cantonese opera studies is then examined, followed by a discussion of the intricate relationship between Cantonese opera and popular music in Hong Kong.
嘉賓簡介 About Speakers:
余少華 香港出生,香港中文大學音樂系文學士,北愛女皇大學社會人類學(民族音樂學)文學碩士,美國哈佛大學音樂學博士。曾任職香港中樂團、香港電台、香港管弦樂團、中大音樂系及嶺南大學文化研究系。研究香港音樂,國、粵、廈、潮語電影音樂,中國戲曲,粵樂,粵南音,清代宮庭音樂及中國音樂史。
Born in Hong Kong, Yu Siu Wah graduated from CUHK with a BA in music. Subsequently he did an MA in Social Anthropology (Ethnomusicology) at Queen’s, Belfast, and received his PhD in musicology from Harvard. He served, and taught at the HKCO, RTHK, HK Phil., CUHK (Music) and Lingnan University (Cultural Studies). His research interests range from the music of Hong Kong, Chinese music theatres, Cantonese music, Cantonese narrative music naamyam, Qing court music, to Chinese music history. In recent decades, he has ventured into the studies of Mandarin, Cantonese, Amoy and Chaozhou dialect movie music.
容世誠 廣東中山人,香港大學中文系文學士,哲學碩士,美國普林斯頓大學博士,專攻中國戲曲。現任教於新加坡國立大學中文系。研究興趣包括粵劇粵曲史、香港戲曲史、文化冷戰與冷戰文化、中國聲音文化等。出版專著包括《戲曲人類學初探》、《粵韻留聲:唱片工業與廣東曲藝(1903-1953)》、《尋覓粵劇聲影:從紅船到水銀燈》。近年研究香港“太平戲院”歷史,編著有《戲園·紅船·影畫:源氏珍藏“太平戲院文物”研究》。
Specializing in pre-modern Chinese drama, Yung Sai-shing has been teaching in the National University of Singapore since 1991. His research interests include Chinese opera of Hong Kong, social history of Cantonese opera/music, Chinese gramophone culture, cultural cold war and cold war culture. His major publications include: The Anthropology of Chinese Drama: Ritual, Theater, and Community (1997); Cantonese Opera from the Gramophone: A Cultural History (1903-1953) (2006); From Red Boat to Silver Screen: Visual and Sonic Culture of Cantonese Opera (2012). He is currently working on the book manuscript, titled “Theater, Steamship, and Gramophone: History of Chinese Opera in Hong Kong (1865-1911)”.
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